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Showing posts with the label TheSecretsofGrowth

Dunamis seed of destiny

  ACCESSING GOD’S WAYS BY STUDYING HIS WORD   March 26, 2023   •     Seeds of Destiny SCRIPTURE: Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. 1Timothy 4:13 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: The habitual study of the Word is an attribute of greatness. It has been established that the Word of God is the builder of life and destiny. Your destiny is not in view when the Word is out of place in your life. To neglect the Word is to forfeit your destiny. This means, the diligent study of the Word is necessary for the fulfilment of destiny (2 Timothy 2:15, John 5:39). Now, what does it mean to study the Word of God? To study the Word of God is to access the ways, thoughts, principles and precepts of God from His Book in order to walk better with Him on earth. When you study God’s Word, you are trying to know what He likes, how He thinks, what His principles are, what you are allowed to do, what you are forbidden from doing, etc. This is what studying the Word of God is about. It is

You Are The Victor!

  Title: You are the victor! Text:David didn’t ascend into heaven. Yet he says, The Lord said to my Lord, ‘Sit at my right side, until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.’ – Acts 2:34-35 CEB “Until he makes thy enemies thy footstool”. This phrase means dominion or to have power over something. Christ defeated the devil and destroyed ALL the works of the devil. Above all, He gave you dominion over the devil and all the works of the devil. In Christ and through Christ, you are not the victim. Never. You are the victor. Always. The enemy and all his works have been destroyed and have no authority over you. Accept by faith that you are the victor and determine to live in victory or dominion over hell and all the works of hell continually. Today’s prayer: In Christ, I have victory over the devil and all the works of the devil and I live a victorious life.   Further reading: 1 John 3:8; 1 John 5:4

The Secrets of Growth

  THE SECRET OF GROWTH by  Dr. Ed Young Scripture:  1 Kings 1:1-4 ,  1 Kings 1:8-53 ,  2 Peter 3:18 The Secret of Growth Ed Young 2 Peter 3:18 I've been on vacation these weeks. I haven't preached in so long, I told one of my boys that I may preach like Paul. And sometime he just preached all night. My son said, ''Yeah, but one fellow went to sleep in the window and fell out of the window and was killed.'' I said, ''Yeah, but Paul went out and raised him from the dead and put him back in the window and kept on preaching.'' My son said, ''When you can do that, you can preach all night, too, Daddy.'' If you'd open your Bibles - not to the scripture mentioned, though that's one of the very important scriptures - to II Corinthians instead, Chapter 3, Verse 18. Mr. Hamlet's announcement about our television ministry is an extremely important thing. I remember our first Television Committee in this church dreamed of being on