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Dunamis seed of destiny

  ACCESSING GOD’S WAYS BY STUDYING HIS WORD   March 26, 2023   •     Seeds of Destiny SCRIPTURE: Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. 1Timothy 4:13 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: The habitual study of the Word is an attribute of greatness. It has been established that the Word of God is the builder of life and destiny. Your destiny is not in view when the Word is out of place in your life. To neglect the Word is to forfeit your destiny. This means, the diligent study of the Word is necessary for the fulfilment of destiny (2 Timothy 2:15, John 5:39). Now, what does it mean to study the Word of God? To study the Word of God is to access the ways, thoughts, principles and precepts of God from His Book in order to walk better with Him on earth. When you study God’s Word, you are trying to know what He likes, how He thinks, what His principles are, what you are allowed to do, what you are forbidden from doing, etc. This is what studying the Word of God is about. It is

Francis Agbo's Daily Devotional March 26, 2023 Title: Pass over!

 Francis Agbo's Daily Devotional March 26, 2023 Title: Pass over! Text: And Pharaoh sent, and behold, there was not one of the cattle of the Israelites dead. And the heart of Pharaoh was hardened, and he did not let the people go. - Exodus 9:7 KJV   Pharaoh sent people to go and check where the Israelites live and see if anyone or anything died from the plague. Earlier God had promised that He will make a distinction between those who are His people and those who are not His people. The Egyptians came back telling the testimony of the Israelites. They said nothing was missing. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Destruction rages in the world. The devil is angry, but God is merciful. You belong to God, He has made a distinction between where you live and where the Egyptians live. Destruction may rage, but it will not pass through your land. Jesus your Passover Lamb already guaranteed that the destroyer will not pass through but will pass over where you live.  Today’s p

Francis Agbo's Daily Devotional January 6, 2023 Title: Fire will fall!

 Francis Agbo's Daily Devotional January 6, 2023 Title: Fire will fall! Text: Hear me, O Lord, hear me, that this people may know that thou art the Lord God, and that thou hast turned their heart back again. Then the fire of the Lord fell and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench. - 1 Kings 18:37-38 KJV Elijah made his altar. The prophets of Baal made their altar. Elijah’s God answered. Baal could not answer because their god was no god. Elijah’s God is God. He answered Elijah. Jehovah hears and answers prayer. He listens to His children when they call to Him. Yes, call Him God and He will answer. He always answers. His answer may not be what you thought you need or want but God answers prayer. Fire fell on Elisha’s altar. God answered. Elijah had said to the prophets of Baal, let the one that answers by fire be God. And Elijah’s God answered. If Elijah’s God is your God, know that He still answers p

Francis Agbo's Daily Devotional January 5, 2023 Title: Choose life!

 Francis Agbo's Daily Devotional  January 5, 2023 Title: Choose life! Text: This law scroll must not leave your lips! You must memorize it day and night so you can carefully obey all that is written in it. Then you will prosper and be successful. - Joshua 1:8 NET God said choices matter. You become what you choose. That is why Joshua told the people to choose. He said to choose life and you will have what you choose. You are not as weak as the devil wants you to believe. You have authority over your life under God. The devil cannot put anything on you without your permission. We permit the devil to put things on us, mostly through ignorance and sin. God left you choices and showed you what to choose. He said I set before you life and death. Choose life over death. Choose prosperity over poverty. Choose health over sickness and disease. Choose to become what God planned for you to become. Choose to fulfill God’s purpose for your life. You are a product of your choices so choose life

Francis Agbo's Daily Devotional December 29, 2022 Title: Praise the LORD!

  Francis Agbo's Daily Devotional December 29, 2022 Title: Praise the LORD! Text: Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord. - Psalm 150:6 KJV Everything that has breath should praise the LORD. You are alive, so give God praise. Everything that you want to happen to you has not happened, but you are alive. Praise the LORD. You did not get all you wanted, but you are still alive and God did some things in your life. The biggest of all He did is He kept you alive. Be glad for all He has done for you. Dead men cannot praise God even if they wanted to. Those that are alive will not praise God because of issues in their lives. You still have issues in your life, but you have God and still have life or breathe. That you still have life is proof that there is hope for you. Praise the LORD. Today’s prayer: I have breath and I give God all the praise for keeping me alive. Further reading: Psalm 145:21; Psalm 103:22 Pastor Francis Agbo is a teacher, leader, a

Francis Agbo's Daily Devotional December 28, 2022 Title: God will silence them!

 Francis Agbo's Daily Devotional December 28, 2022 Title: God will silence them! Text: Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings, hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger. - Psalm 8:2 KJV   When a coalition of enemy nations conspired to fight Jehoshaphat, all he did was open His mouth to praise God and God silenced the enemy. Praise is a force that makes you unstoppable. God’s children have the privilege to silence every opposition. All they need to do is to render praise to their God. When they render praise to their God, He will render confusion to their opposition and still the noise of the opposition. With the joy of the LORD in your heart, lift your hands and let the praises of God flow from your mouth. Very soon, this obstacle or issue you saw yesterday you shall see no more forever.    Today’s prayer: I will not be silent and will open my mouth and praise God and He will silence every opposition against me. Furthe

Francis Agbo's Daily Devotional December 27, 2022 Render praise to God!

 Francis Agbo's Daily Devotional December 27, 2022 Render praise to God! What can I offer the Lord, for all he has done for me?  I will lift up the cup of salvation and praise the Lord’s name for saving me. – Psalm 116:12-13 NLT Good morning  Precious,   The psalmist asked a question and answered the question. He said- what shall I render to the LORD for all He has done in my life. He said I will render praise. Does he have everything? Certainly not, but He has seen God work in his life and is determined to render praise to God who has rendered benefits to him. Has God been good to you? He has. Render praises to Him, not complaints. Offer thanksgiving and not grumbling. Like the psalmist when your soul asks what I shall render to the LORD for all that He has done for me. Answer back and say you will render praise. Then go ahead and render praise. To your unlimited success Today’s prayer: I return praises to God for all His blessings in my life. Further reading: Psalm 103:2; Deutero

Francis Agbo's Daily Devotional December 24, 2022 Title: Be of good cheer!

 Francis Agbo's Daily Devotional December 24, 2022 Title: Be of good cheer! Text: So he will do to me whatever he has planned. He controls my destiny. - Job 23:14 NLT   Things may look like they are out of control, but God is still in control. Don't let the devil deceive you. The enemy is not in control. God is in control of everything. If you are His child nothing happens to you by mistake. Nothing happens to you if He has not permitted it because He is in control of your life. The disappointments and delays will work together to take you to the divine destiny and place God planned for you. Those things cannot stop God and because God is with you those things cannot stop you. Be of good cheer for your God is still in control of your whole life and He will get you to where He planned.   Today’s prayer: I am not afraid of the future because my future lies in the hands of God and He will take me there. Additional reading: Romans 8:28; Genesis 50:20 Pastor Francis Agbo is a teache

Francis Agbo's Daily Devotional December 22, 2022

 Francis Agbo's Daily Devotional December 22, 2022 Title: It will pass! Text: Your days of grief will come to an end. I, the Lord, will be your eternal light, more lasting than the sun and moon. - Isaiah 60:20 GNT. Your days of grief will end says the LORD. What is troubling you now will not continue to trouble you? The barren places of your life will not remain barren. They will become fruitful. It is not working for you now, but it will work. The days of crying and weeping will end and be replaced by days of laughter and celebration. It may look like it will not end, but what you are going through will end. It will pass…. It will end. It will go away. Your days of crying over that issue will end. You will experience what the word says if you agree with what the word says concerning you. The word says your days of grief will end. This too shall pass. And we say yes and amen.    Today’s prayer: The pain, sadness, and stress will not exceed their appointed days and I will wait for G

Francis Agbo's Daily Devotional December 20, 2022 Title: Why we praise God!

 Francis Agbo's Daily Devotional December 20, 2022 Title: Why we praise God! Text: It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High. To shew forth thy lovingkindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night. - Psalm 92:1-2 KJV   Why do we praise God? For many reasons. Today’s scripture gives three reasons why we should praise God. We praise God because it is a good thing to give Him praise. We sing praises to His for His unfailing lovingkindness (mercy) and faithfulness. It is good to praise God. We praise God because He will not take His mercy and faithfulness away from us. His mercy and faithfulness are guaranteed. Praise God for His constant mercy and faithfulness. Thank God and praise Him because everything may fail but His mercy and faithfulness towards you will never fail. God will not take away His mercy and faithfulness from you. Praise God because it is a good thing to do. And praise God because He will not suffer His

Francis Agbo's Daily Devotional December 18, 2022 Title: Reasons to be thankful

  Francis Agbo's Daily Devotional December 18, 2022 Title: Reasons to be thankful! Text: And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God. And fell down on his face at his feet, giving him thanks: and he was a Samaritan. Luke 17:15-16 KJV Jesus healed ten, but only one of them returned to give thanks. Does it mean that he had everything? He did not, but he had something to thank God for. You don’t have everything but you have things to be thankful for. You are alive. What of the ability to sleep? You take that for granted, right? What you take for granted others are struggling to have. What of the people God has placed in your life and who have been a blessing to you? Your job. A roof over your head. It may not be a mansion or palace, but you have a roof over your head. Clothes on your body. They may not be designer clothes, but they are clothes. You have reasons to be thankful if you look well enough. Today’s prayer: I will

Francis Agbo's Daily Devotional December 16, 2022 Title: Disappointed!

 Francis Agbo's Daily Devotional December 16, 2022 Title: Disappointed! Text: And he took up his parable, and said, Balak the king of Moab hath brought me from Aram, out of the mountains of the east, saying, Come, curse me Jacob, and come, defy Israel. How shall I curse, whom God hath not cursed? Or how shall I defy, whom the LORD hath not defied? – Numbers 23:7-8 KJV   You think you don't have any reason to be thankful. Think again. The enemy also had negative expectations for your life. He has "prayer points" or expectations too. You are one of his prayer points, but God did not let his prayer points become testimonies. And stop thinking you don't have enemies. You may not have enemies, but your enemies have you. Be thankful that God did not grant them their petitions. What did Israel do to Balak that he plotted to destroy them? Nothing. Still, he wanted to pull Israel down. God disappointed Balak. Be thankful because God refused to answer the prayers of the ene

/Francis Agbo's Daily Devotional December 14, 2022 Title: Escaped!

 Francis Agbo's Daily Devotional December 14, 2022 Title: Escaped! Text: Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. - Psalm 91:3 KJV   Why should you give God thanks? He delivered you from every snare or trap that the enemy planned for you. Many got snared or caught in the snare, but you escaped. God did not let the intentions of the enemy concerning you become action. The same road somebody traveled and did not return, you traveled and returned. Someone lost their job, business, or livelihood, but God kept yours. Hell planned snares of accident, shame, misery, and sorrow, but God caused you to escape. Give thanks because God is faithful to His word and caused you to escape all the snares of the enemy.   Today’s prayer: I am grateful to God because all the time He causes me to escape all the snares of the enemy.    Further reading: Psalm 124:7; Psalm 91:3 Pastor Francis Agbo is a teacher, leader, and author. His God-given mission in

Francis Agbo's Daily Devotional December 13, 2022 Title: Thankful for He is merciful!

 Francis Agbo's Daily Devotional December 13, 2022 Title: Thankful for He is merciful! Text: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases- Psalm 103:3 KJV    We are still thanking God. The devil does not like that. Who cares? Will praise God and give Him thanks whether he the devil likes it or not. Will thank God because He is merciful and forgives us all our trespasses all the time.  Thank God that God is not a man and much thanks that man is not God. Men will say to you- you have done it again, but only God will say to you all the time- I have forgiven you again. Be thankful for when you did not deserve mercy and still He showed you mercy. God is merciful to you and you should be thankful for that. You will always have something to thank God for if you dare to look for it.   Today’s prayer: I give God thanks because His mercy towards me endures forever.     Further reading: Psalm 118:1; 1 Chronicles 16:34

Francis Agbo's Daily Devotional November 27, 2022 Title: Reap the benefits!

 November 27, 2022 Title: Reap the benefits! Text: And ye shall serve the LORD your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee. There shall nothing cast their young, nor be barren, in thy land: the number of thy days I will fulfill. -Exodus 23:25-26 KJV   This is God Himself speaking. If you shall serve the LORD your God, He will bless you. Yes, it pays to serve God. The devil spoke concerning Job, and said to God- Does Job fear God for nothing? God said He did not call Jacob to serve Him in vain. Those that serve God do not reap frustration. They reap benefits. There is joy and reward in serving God. The benefits of serving Him are many, but here are a few. The word of God says if you serve Him, He will bless thy bread and thy water. You will have bread and water, and it shall be blessed. Serving God grants you divine immunity from sickness and it is immunity that cannot be compromised. Don’t stop serving God and you will not

Francis Agbo's Daily Devotional November 22 2022

 November 22, 2022 Title: Do not be distracted! Text: And [the Pharisees] kept watching Jesus [closely] to see whether He would cure him on the Sabbath so that they might get a charge to bring against Him [formally]. - Mark 3:2 AMP There will always be someone that will criticize you, your methods, the way you dress, the way you eat, or the way you sleep. Some will criticize the way you talk, and even the way you serve God. People have a right to their opinions, but you don't have to mind their opinions. Ignore the critics. Don't allow the critics to distract you. If you must succeed there are some people you must ignore. Ignore those that tell you that your dream is too big, too impossible, or too hard for God. Ignore those that sit in their armchairs and analyze your dream and will not as much as lift a finger to support you. No critic deserves your time or your explanation for what you do or plan to do. You can't please everybody and you cannot please your critics so don

Francis Agbo's Daily Devotional November 18 2022

 November 18, 2022 Title: The word of God works! Text: Jesus said unto him, it is written again, thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. - Matthew 4:7 KJV   Jesus declared it is written, and the devil left. The temptation ended. Nothing, no one, and no situation is strong or hard for the word of God. Those dry, dead bones in the valley came alive after Ezekiel declared thus says the LORD. The thick darkness in the beginning dissolved when God declared - let there be light. Stubborn Pharaoh bowed and let the children of Israel when Moses spoke the word. Goliath came down when David threw the stone of the word of God at it. The word of God works all the time. Today, hit that situation confronting you with the word of God and soon or later it will crumble and let you alone.   Today’s prayer: God’s word in my mouth works wonders, and every knee of trouble bows when I declare the word of God to it. Further reading: 1 Samuel 17: 50; 1 Peter 1:2

Francis Agbo's Daily Devotional November 16 2022

 November 16, 2022 Title: It is leaving! Text: The Test was over. The Devil left. And in his place, angels! Angels came and took care of Jesus’ needs. - Matthew 4:11 MSG   Dear  <<First Name>>, Tucked in today’s verse is the phrase “the devil left". Satan tempted Jesus. When Jesus declared that it is written the devil left. Every dog no matter how fierce knows its boss and does not argue with its boss. The devil is a created being and is not stronger than God and the word of God. When you declare that it is written to the creation, it will obey. Speak the word of life to your body and hold on to your confession. The sickness and the symptoms will leave. Hold on to the word of God you have heard, believed, and confessed, and every work of hell, whether they like it or not will flee from you.   Today’s prayer: I command that all that God did not start in my life, leave and it is so in Jesus’ name. Amen    Further reading: Jeremiah 1:10; 2 Corinthians 10:4

Francis Agbo's Daily Devotional November 15 2022

 November 15, 2022 Title: Beat the opposition! Text: Jesus said unto him, it is written again, thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. - Matthew 4:7 KJV The devil tested Jesus. What did Jesus do? He did not cry. He did not complain or blame others. He did not lay down and say what will be will be. Instead, Jesus reached for the word of God and declared what was written in the word. The word of God is irresistible. The word of God cannot be defeated. Situations and circumstances will try you, but you can beat any situation or circumstance with the word of God. Nothing is too strong or hard for the word of God. The issue confronting you, find what the word of God says concerning you and declare by faith that is written and you will prevail over it.   Today’s prayer: I am whom the word of God says I am, can do what the word says I can do, and I have what the word of God says I can have. Further reading: James 4:7; Ephesians 6:11

Francis Agbo's Daily Devotional November 14 2022

 November 14, 2022 Title: It is written! Text: And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Esaias. And when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written. - Luke 4:17KJV    The word of God has the power to change anyone or anything. First, you must open the word of God to find out what is written concerning you. Open the book to find what God has written concerning you. If you have a closed bible, your life will be closed, lacking testimonies, breakthroughs, victories, and blessings. Jesus opened the book and found where it was written concerning Him. There is something written concerning your life and it is written in the word of God. Read and allow the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to what is written concerning you. When you find it, your expectation shall not be cut off.   Today’s prayer: I will open the book to find what is written concerning me and when I find it my expectation will not be cut off.   Further reading: Psalm 119:96; Psalm 37:31